




慢性閉塞性肺疾患COPDの進行性は喫煙や大気汚染に由来する肺の異常な炎症反応と関連している。その死亡率及び罹患率は高汚染地域ほど高くなり、31%の非喫煙者患者は日常におけるダスト、ガス、煙の吸入を起因とする研究成果がみられる(Matheson MC et al. 2005)。その一方、アルカリ土壌由来である黄砂と中国工業地帯から放出される酸化性のガス成分が反応し、その表面にSO(_)4やNO(_)3などが多量に集積され、気管支肺炎や肺胞炎を惹起する要因となっている(Mori et al. 2002)。今回の調査は上述の状況に基づき、黄砂多発地域である中国北部のB市における呼吸器内科の受診記録を分析し、COPD入院患者例を考察することを通してその発症規律と黄砂発生との関連を検証した。
The progress of chronic obstructive lung disease COPD is related to an abnormal inflammatory reaction of lungs that originate in smoking and air pollution. The mortality rate and the morbidity rate rise in the heavily polluted area, and a result of research assume that as for 31% of nonsmoker patient it originates from the inhalation of dust, the gas, and smoke in daily life (Matheson MC et al. 2005). On the other hand, the Yellow- sand that comes from alkaline soil reacts with acid gas element discharged from industrial zone of China, and the SO4 and NO3 to be accumulated on its surface voluminously and becomes a factor for a Bronchial Pneumonia and an Alveolitis to cause(Mori et al. 2002). Based on the above-mentioned situation, this investigation verified the relation between the rule of appearance of COPD and the Yellow-sand incidence through considering the COPD inpatient examples that based on medical record in B city which was a yellow-sand frequent occurrence area in Chinese northern part.

